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Click the BRaaSS Logo below to see a Full Description of the Consulting Plans
Crisis Risk Strategy Planning
Personnel OPSEC Audit
Federal and Local LEO Liaison
Key Personnel Security Audit
Active Threat Monitoring
Dedicated Intelligence Analyst
80hrs Consulting Plan-directed
(incl. liaison and travel)
Threat Monitoring Bulletins
Full Threat Report
(Geopolitical and Cyber)
Geopolitical Risk VOD Briefing
Cyber Threat VOD Briefing
Monthly Scheduled Meetings
Security Resilience RED-TEST (Quarterly)
Bi-annual Security Review
Security Awareness Brief (Annual)
24/7 Email and Chat Support
Crisis Risk Strategy Planning
Personnel OPSEC Audit Program
Federal and Local LEO Liaison
Key Personnel Security Audit
Active Threat Monitoring
Dedicated Intelligence Analyst
Threat Monitoring Bulletins
Security Resilience RED-TEST (Quarterly)
Security Awareness Brief
Executive AI CHATBOT
(New data within 30 days)
160hrs Consulting (plan-directed)
Supply Chain Security Map
Bi-Monthly Threat Report (PDF)
Bi-weekly Geopolitical Risk VOD
Bi-weekly Cyber Threat VOD
Supply Chain Security Risk VOD
BI-Monthly Scheduled Meeting
Protective Intelligence Reports
(4 reports per month)
Insider Threat Investigation (as needed)
Direct In portal Chat Support (office hours)
Phone Support (Work Hours)
24/7 Email and Chat Support